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Showing posts with the label Spelling

Weekly spelling year 4 week 18

There are 10 words in this list, my advice to you first start with the flash cards section then move to memorize followed by the quiz section  then go to the drag and drop matching game and finally challenge yourself with the check your spelling quiz.

Weekly spelling list year 6 week 18

There are 13 words in this list, my advice to you first start with the flash cards section then move to memorize followed by the quiz section  then go to the drag and drop matching game and finally challenge yourself with the check your spelling quiz.

Spelling list Set 1

There are five words in this list,my advice to you first start with the flash cards section then move to to memorize followed by the quiz section then go to the drag and drop matching game and finally challenge yourself with the check your spelling quiz.I hope you find this easy and helpful. Best wishes  ✌ noticeable despise cruiser revive assembly Spelling words #set 1  »  Flashcard Maker check your spelling set 1 quiz - ProProfs