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Showing posts with the label geography

Types of Landforms التضاريس و أشكال سطح الأرض

  المحيط:  مساحة واسعة من الماء المالح ذات أعماق كبيرة. مثل : المحيط الهادي 

توزيع اليابس والماء

  توزيع اليابس والماء على سطح الكرة الارضية

Space science

We are going to leave our planet Earth and go to space to learn more about the solar system,enjoy watching the next playlists don't forget your popcorn👀👀

Our environment

In this topic you will learn about: Environment. natural resources. Fossil fuels. how oil is formed. Uses of oil. Uses of natural gas. problem with oil. how electricity is produced? Problems in using fossil fuel as a source of energy. What is global warming?