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Our environment

In this topic you will learn about:

  1. Environment.
  2. natural resources.
  3. Fossil fuels.
  4. how oil is formed.
  5. Uses of oil.
  6. Uses of natural gas.
  7. problem with oil.
  8. how electricity is produced?
  9. Problems in using fossil fuel as a source of energy.
  10. What is global warming?


is everything around us.

Natural resources:

Everything we use is made from natural resources.

renewable and non renewable resources

Non renewable resources:we can not make any more of them after using them.
Renewable resources:can be reproduced.

Fossil fuels:

such as oil,coal and natural gas.

How oil is formed?

Oil was formed from tiny plants and animals that lived in the sea millions of years ago.When they died they sank to the bottom of the sea.They become buried by mad and sand and over millions of years were changed into oil.

Oil is found deep in the ground or under the sea.
Natural gas is in the layer just above it .
The drilling or extraction process of oil result in a mixture of gas and oil.
oil in a deep layer and the natural gas is in the layer just above it

To drill for oil under the sea floor they use oilrigs.
one oilrig can control the flow of oil from several wells.

Uses of oil:

crude oil can not be used just as it is when it comes out of the ground.
It is used in production of:
  1. petrol
  2. diesel
  3. paraffin or kerosene
  4. heating oil
  5. asphalt
  6. paints
  7. detergents
  8. plastic
  9. synthetic rubber
  10. pesticides

Uses of natural gas:

As a fuel.

Problem with oil:

  1. upon transportation if any accident happened,it leads to water pollution so sea animals and plants will die and also seabirds that get oil in their feathers can not survive.
  2. non renewable resource(it takes million of years to form.)

How electricity is produced:

  1. mainly by burning fossil fuels (non renewable resources).
  2. using renewable resources such as energy of wind,moving water or sun
solar panel renewable resource
solar panel

renewable resource

problems in using fossil fuel as source of energy:

  1. Non renewable resource.
  2. Air pollution.
  3. Smog formation which affect people's eyes and lungs.
  4. Acid rain which kill plants,trees,animals and damage buildings.
  5. Global worming.

What is global warming?

trapping of the sun heat near to the earth which result in elevation of the earth temperature which lead to flood in some countries and droughts of others.
